ResAnomaly is a programmer’s utility which, given a resource file, generates a C source code listing of all named resources in the file:
const kResNameTypeID = <id of this resource>;
ResAnomaly is highly customizable and source code is included (you can modify ResAnomaly to support other languages or styles without recompiling - take a look at the TEXT resources in the resource fork.)
•Version 1.1
Small features update: Some preference constants have been created in the new ‘ResAnomaly Settings.h’ file for easier customizing. But that’s not all- the text file creator is now set to the that of the environment in which the executable was created.
Major Bug Fix: (insert angels singing “You are an idiot” here) I forgot about the twisted architecture of the Resource Manager, and wrote ResAnomaly in such a way that the client resource file’s resources could interfere with ResAnomaly’s own resource access. Symptoms: Garbage in the output file, out of memory errors, possible crashes when running 68k version. As a byproduct of one of the two fixes required, ResAnomaly is much faster. Or so it seems to me.
Happy Compiler Fix: commented out the unused AppleEvent parameters so we don’t get spurious warnings!
•Version 1.0
First highly successful release!
a Long, Long Long, Time
Thanks go out to Rob Guttman and Françios Pottier for inspiring this, and again to Rob for suggesting new features including some yet to come. Also to Ari Halberstadt for reminding me to get the 1.1 fix out.
I can be reached at Comments, suggestions, faint praise, and bug reports are all wonderful and welcome.
Thanks also to Doug McKenna and Mathemæsthetics for not suing me for ‘borrowing’ a portion of the Resorcerer™ icon. So many utilties borrow ResEdit’s that I thought it would be nice to have one using the icon of a resource tool that actually works properly, efficiently, and with beauty. for a decent Resource Editor- you won’t be sorry.
Hall of the Mountain King
This software is provided AS IS. The author is not responsible for any damage incurred directly or indirectly through the use of this software.
With the following exceptions, this software may be distributed and modified freely:
* This software may not be distributed through Prodigy or through the Microsoft Network.
* You may not distribute modified versions of this software publicly without my permission. Send changes to me at and I will incorporate them into the main release stream.
* This software must include all files in the original archive when distributed.
* Senator Exon (aka the jerk from Nebraska(no offense intended to native Nebraskans, with the exception of Senator Exon, his relatives and friends (assuming he has friends, which seems unlikely given the rectocranial inversion he’s so proud to display in public))) may not use this software.
* The Wall Street Journal, (including employees of the Wall Street Journal and their relatives), well known for it’s excellent and informative Computer Literacy sections (aka, Duh, We Can’t Find The Power Switch, So Let’s Just Pretend We Did And Continue Using Typewriters) is prohibited from making use of this software.